
Cristal's Blog


August 22, 2024

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As the final months of summer heat up, we all start adjusting our daily routines to stay cool and hydrated. Even right here in Santa Barbara, with our year-round perfect Mediterranean weather, it can get hot enough to opt for early morning or late evening walks, carry our largest water bottles everywhere, and layer on the SPF 75 before stepping outside. As a dog lover, I’m here to remind you that summer pet safety  is paramount. After all, our furry companions depend on us to keep them safe.

Two dogs posing at the beach on a summer day
Image by

Understanding the Risks: How Heat Affects Pets

Did you know pets are vulnerable to the same heat-related issues that affect humans? Sunburn, dehydration, and heatstroke pose serious risks to our four-legged family members. Dogs and cats have different ways of regulating their body temperature than humans. While humans can sweat to cool down, dogs primarily rely on panting to release heat, and cats groom themselves to stay cool. However, these methods are not always enough when temperatures soar.

Protecting Your Pets: 8 Expert Tips for Summer Safety

To ensure your pet stays safe and healthy during the hottest months of the year, consider these expert-recommended practices:

Two dogs in a pool on a summer day.
Image by Susan Hartzler

1. Slather on Sunscreen

Pets, especially those with short hair, light-colored fur, or exposed skin, can get sunburned, which can lead to skin cancer and other serious health issues. Even if your pet has luscious, protective locks, there may still be areas on their body that would benefit from sunscreen, namely those with less fur, like the nose, ears, and belly.

NOTE: It’s essential to use sunscreen made explicitly for animals because most sunscreens for humans contain ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that are toxic to pets if ingested.

K-9 Care Sunscreen is a recommended option. Sunscreen should be re-applied every two hours when the pet is out in the sun to help ensure the best protection possible. Pet owners can also purchase bandannas, vests, hats, and booties (for hot pavement) for their pets as extra protection (and flair) while on walks.

2. Look for Signs of Heatstroke

Understanding the symptoms of heatstroke can save your pet’s life. Early warning signs include heavy panting, lethargy, glazed eyes, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, excessive thirst, staggering, and bright red gum color. Recognizing and promptly addressing the early signs of heat-related illnesses can prevent serious complications.

If you suspect a heatstroke, immediately move your pet to a cooler area, use a hand fan on them, apply room-temperature water to their body, and contact your veterinarian. If you don’t act promptly when a pet has a heatstroke, it can lead to kidney failure, lung injury, and brain damage.

A dog drinking water from a drinking fountain on a summer day.
Pixabay, Creative Commons

3. Keep Them Hydrated

Pets can become dehydrated quickly, leading to heatstroke. Temperatures above 80 degrees can be too hot for pets. To prevent that from happening, have bowls in different areas of your home and yard, and be sure to bring a portable bowl and a water bottle for your dog while on a walk. You could also add a few ice cubes to their water. Dogs require 60 to 80 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight, and cats require 40 to 60 milliliters of water per kilogram of body weight.

4. Avoid Midday Walks

The midday sun is the most intense between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., making that the worst time for outdoor activities with pets. Adjust your schedule to walk your dog early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are cooler. If you have an outdoor cat, consider keeping it inside during this window of time. Protective booties may help a pet feel more comfortable on walks.

Not sure if it’s too hot for your pet outside? Try touching the ground with your bare hands. If you can’t hold your hand on the pavement for more than seven seconds, then it is too hot for animal paws.

A dog in the bathtub with bubbles on it's head.
Image from

5. Groom Them—But Not Too Much

Regular haircuts can help prevent dogs from overheating, but don’t get overzealous and shave your dog or cat down to the skin, as this can increase the risk of sunburn. Some breeds have fur that provides natural insulation against both heat and cold. Thick-coated breeds and those with double coats, like Australian Shepherds, Alaskan Huskies, and Golden Retrievers, are better at conserving heat in cool temperatures. Experts say double coats can also help the animal stay cool in hot temperatures, as the undercoat usually stands upright and may allow improved airflow closer to the skin. Consult with a veterinarian before grooming such breeds.

A  wet Blue Merle Australian Shepherd frolicking at the beach.
Image by Rob Wishart

6. Create a Cool Space

Ensure your pet has a cool place to retreat indoors. This could be a room with air conditioning, a fan, or even a cooling mat designed for pets. A sprinkler toy, freeze toy, and bone-shaped ice mold are other great cooling options. You can keep your pet entertained with puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, and interactive games. This can help them burn energy without the risk of overheating. Mental stimulation can be just as tiring as physical exercise.

Close up of a black dog's face with his big nose and loys of wrinkles.
Image by Susan Hartzler

7. Know the Peculiarities of Your Pet’s Breed

Certain breeds are more prone to heat-related issues. All dogs can develop heatstroke, but some may be more at risk than others. Dogs that are overweight, flat-faced, or more energetic have a higher chance of developing heatstroke, and the same dog and cat breeds that are at risk of being sunburned may also be at greater risk.

8. Stay Informed and Proactive

Monitor weather forecasts for heat advisories, and adjust your plans accordingly to keep your pets out of harm’s way.

As a dedicated pet owner, you play a vital role in ensuring your furry friends' summer pet safety. If you're looking for a new home for you and your pet, check out my current listings. See something you like? Feel free to call me at (805) 886-9378 or email me at Woof!

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Client Reviews

“It was an emotional experience selling our mother’s home in Montecito that we all loved so much but Cristal made the process easier on our whole family by guiding us through the transaction every step of the way. She knows the market so well and everything she recommended was on point including the asking price, painting, and staging the home, which looked beautiful and helped the buyer envision her new home. We sold it the first day it hit the market with an offer above asking! Cristal did an incredible job communicating with us and the buyer to ensure that the transaction would run smoothly. We highly recommend using Cristal, she was a pleasure to work with! ”

- J & A

“Cristal is a pleasure to work with! Her knowledge of the local real estate market coupled with her amazing listening skills resulted in her showing us an array of homes that were all excellent choices. Her low-pressure patient attitude made us feel extremely comfortable with the whole process. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”

- M.F.

“Cristal Clarke is #1 in her field - and you don't become #1 by luck. Cristal works harder, and longer, and with more charm and patience than any real estate agent I have ever worked with in the past; her calendar has no weekend, her days have no clocks, her only concern is selling your property as soon as possible and for the best price on the market. Am I a fan? You bet!”

- P.B.

“We have used Cristal now several times and cannot express how grateful we are for her expertise, dedication, and unwavering support throughout the entire home-buying process. Cristal is knowledgeable, patient and attentive. Her attention to detail is remarkable, and she consistently went above and beyond to provide us with all the information and resources we needed to make informed decisions. Cristal is a skillful negotiator and advocate. She can navigate complex negotiations with professionalism and grace and felt like a true partner to us in the home-buying process. Cristal has a genuine passion for real estate and a deep commitment to her clients' satisfaction. I cannot speak highly enough of Cristal and her exceptional service. She is a true expert in her field and her dedication to excellence, combined with unwavering support is the reason we choose to work with her for all our real estate buying needs.”

- T.C.

“Cristal is a top-notch realtor who sold my home before it ever went on the market. I had two competing offers that enabled me to get top dollar for my home. Not only is Cristal superb but her team is extraordinary. I cannot say enough about Cristal and her team. They are simply phenomenal, the consummate professionals, who took care of every possible detail, making the sale and transition period, smooth from our end. They are also lovely, caring people, who knew all the right professionals, to get the job done. Thank you, everyone!”

- D.R.

“I could list lots of cool adjectives to describe Cristal. All good by the way. But, that is not why I or anyone should hire Cristal. My reason for hiring her, which proved to be correct, is very simple. She got the job done. And, she does it time and time again and with zero issues. And, that is why she is one of the top agents in the country. End of subject. ”

- M.A.

“Working with Cristal was a complete pleasure. Cristal was extremely patient with us as we evaluated nearly 2 dozen homes over a span of 2 years. Her knowledge of the market is unmatched. Cristal provided us with exceptional counsel as we evaluated opportunities and negotiated pricing. The closing process was handled thoroughly and efficiently. We could not be happier with our purchase and even more happy to now call Cristal our friend.”

- D.K.

“Cristal Clarke has conducted numerous real estate transactions for me beginning 13 years ago with the purchase of a Lemon Ranch. She has handled both large and small purchases and sales with equal dedication. As a negotiator, you can’t find anyone better. Her transactions are always conducted in the most appropriate and professional manner. Cristal has considerable knowledge of the Santa Barbara market.”

- S.N. Decker Ph.D.

“Living in Europe, we were to say the least, unaccustomed to the nuances of Real Estate acquisition in California and Cristal steered us through the process with absolute professionalism and personal attention to detail at every turn. Her in-depth knowledge of the market place combined with enthusiasm and drive was the only reason we secured the property of our dreams and will be forever grateful. If you are looking for personal discrete and private representation of the highest quality we suggest you look no further than Cristal Clarke.”

- Johan and Paula van den Berg

“Cristal is very straightforward, cheerful, helpful, professional and trustworthy….we felt very lucky to work with her.”

- John and Lacey Williams

“After considering our many choices, we are grateful it was Cristal Clarke of Sotheby’s International who represented the sale of our Montecito cottage. We are familiar with Cristal’s reputation of hard work and dedication to clients, but it was her attention to detail that made our experience so positive. She offered suggestions for staging the property, worked in harmony with potential buyers and was even able to secure back up offers. The sale of our cottage was completed much sooner than we expected, due in great part to Cristal’s professional skills and support. We highly recommend Cristal as a first choice for anyone needing representation with real estate.”

- Michael & Nancy Lee

“Our experience in working with Cristal Clarke resulted in the successful and discrete acquisition of a property which was not yet on the open market. Her knowledge of the Montecito/Santa Barbara area and vast expertise blended with her passion for real estate and architecture, provided us with the very highest level of professionalism and personalized services. Cristal exhibited a rare combination of excellent communications, attention to detail, creativity and patience.”

- Richard and Catherine Frinier

“Cristal really breaks the mold. She knows every nook and cranny of this real estate market, understands value, and follows up on everything, all the time. She was incredibly patient with our two year quest to find the perfect house. Every house hunting trip from across the country was well planned, and our time was never wasted. On top of her professionalism and expertise, she is delightful to spend time with. We are thrilled with the home we purchased, and grateful to Cristal for so wisely advising us through this process, right through to the close and beyond.”

- Laurie Siegel

“We met Cristal first in the course of renting a winter home (for three years), then buying a house using her as our agent. She was amazingly good at listening to our wants and showing us homes that fit our needs. Her mastery of the paperwork was perfect. Most importantly, there was never a situation where we doubted her straightforwardness or integrity. If we do another real estate transaction in Montecito (which I doubt, we’re happy with what we purchased), without question we’d use Cristal again.”

- Ken Saffir

“Susan and I just want to thank you for your efforts in the sale of our home. You are really quite amazing. Your competence, persistence, optimism and humor made the entire process effortless. Every problem that arose, you somehow fixed; any obstacle, you overcame. We have bought and sold many homes. It has never been such a painless and enjoyable process!”

- Michael & Susan Marquart

“A little something about “our” realtor, Cristal Clarke. My wife and I came to Santa Barbara about fifteen years ago looking for a seasonal home from which to enjoy the weather and amenities of the central coast. Being in the real estate business myself I was familiar with agents and brokers so entered the market with open eyes. We “flipped” a few houses in the early years, dealing with various agents and finally ended up in Montecito. That’s when good fortune put us together with Cristal. To say we were impressed is to put it mildly. Cristal really knows the market. She is familiar with the area, its history and trends. When we have questions about a particular property she either has the answers immediately or gets back to us by phone or email. There is no waiting or wondering with Cristal. She is an agent who is “on top of it.” Her recommendations as to price points, contractors, inspectors and title agents have proven to be exceptional, showing great insight and the highest professional standards. We consider ourselves exceedingly fortunate to say that Cristal Clarke is our realtor and would recommend her services to any serious buyer or seller.”

- Rob & Judi Kelch