The Montecito Community Foundation
I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying that charity begins at home. At its core, giving represents compassion, humanity, and kindness—a representation of our shared desire to make the world a better place. Whether you donate money or your time, dedication and a willingness to put the needs of others above your own is paramount. Thoughtful giving is a force for good in society. When you contribute to non-profits, you support organizations that help people in need.

Improving Property Values
All Montecito homeowners should appreciate the Montecito Community Foundation. Its work improves individual property values, fostering a sense of community by beautifying the community and supporting the quality of life here. It promotes a safe community by providing funding for public safety projects, including pathways, community bus stops, and traffic studies while subsidizing projects that further enhance our community’s unique character.
Featured Project
The organization is currently raising money for the Triangle Restoration Project, designed to restore the beautiful triangle at the intersection of Hot Springs and Olive Mill Road. This current project near Casa Dorinda is a collaboration between the Garden Club of Santa Barbara, Arcadia Studios, Casa Dorinda and the Montecito Community Foundation.

Benefiting Community Organizations
The Foundation provides funding for our community library, historical collection, safe paths to school, the Montecito 4th of July parade and celebration and more. Funds go toward providing rural road signs and facilitating projects that benefit Montecito residents. All contributions stay in Montecito. There are many ways to get involved, from sponsorship and naming opportunities, to other community involvement events and projects to support Montecito.
The Community Foundation welcomes suggestions for new projects that meet the organization’s grant guidelines. Just forward your suggestion or contact the Grant Committee Chairperson for further information at info@montecitofoundation.org.

Why I Give Back
As I've lived here most of my life, I think it's so important to give back to the community. Montecito is very civic-minded, as proven by nonprofits like the Montecito Community Foundation. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wake up and feel so fortunate to live in an area like this. Of course, there are many other non-profits in Santa Barbara that welcome your help—all pointing to the value Santa Barbara and Montecito residents, so privileged in many ways, place on helping the less fortunate among us.
So if you have the opportunity to give back – whether in the form of volunteering or making a donation – I encourage you to do so without hesitation. Because at the end of the day, no act of charity is truly selfless. In the words of Winston Churchill, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." I wholeheartedly agree.
If you are considering putting your property on the market and buying a new home within the Santa Barbara area, it’s imperative to have an experienced Realtor on your team. Call me at (805) 886-9378 or email me at Cristal@montecito-estate.com, and I'll happily add your home to my portfolio of fine properties while I find you the perfect residence. I can handle the entire process, leaving you time to volunteer at the Montecito Community Foundation.
Other Resources:
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